Deck - 1981 |
Unfortunately, we do not have any photographs documenting this project…. This shows the completed deck, with our new
winch mounts and electrical shore power hook-up. |
The original deck was canvas-covered plywood. We replaced the deck using the same methods that we later used for the cabin top. (Detailed description in that section). New 3/8” marine fir plywood was used; all joints were scarfed to make a one-piece deck. The polypropylene cloth was positioned, stretched and held with battens along the cabin, cockpit, and sheer of the hull. The polypropylene cloth overlapped all edges by 1” on cabin, cockpit, and sheer. The polypropylene cloth was wet-out, after a partial cure the battens were removed, the cloth underneath the battens was wet out, and the battens were reinstalled with a layer of plastic in between to prevent the battens from sticking to the polypropylene cloth. Once cured, the cloth was trimmed flush with the edge of the batten; the battens were removed, and additional epoxy coats were added to fill the cloth weave. To work on the
deck, we had to remove the stantions, bow pulpit, toerails, taffrail, bronze
rubrails, bow casting, trim around the cockpit and cabin, deck cleats, winch
mounts, rudder fitting, engine compartment vents, fuel and water tank fills,
and holding tank fittings. As part of the deck project, I designed new winch mounts (as seen in the photo above). They have a cubby hole on the cockpit coaming, providing a space to store the jib sheet tails. |